From: "Jaime Tiampo" <fugugaipan@s...>
Date: Thu, 8 Mar 2007 16:40:56 -0800 (PST)
On Thu, March 8, 2007 2:20 pm, Robertson, Brendan said:
> The problem with this system is that there is no efficiency of mass in
> using it.
> 1 biomass + 1 power = 1 carapace
> Both will absorb 1 pt of damage. If you're using enough carapace to
> protect the biomass, its already stripped to the minimum you need.
> I would suggest at least a 2:1 repair rate (maybe 3:1, but would need
> more thought about cost).
> Endocrine System
> Mass: 1 per 5 carapace
> Biomass used: 1 per 2 carapace
> Repair Pool: 2 power per carapace
My original concept (see previous link) had a mass/power efficiency
on 100 ship mass as being the centre point so I tried a different
It's not setup to be "efficient" in ratios but in "front loading"
My biggest grief has always been the 25% power drop at each line.
you try and get your ships back up, that 25% power actually translates
50% as you allocate power to fix your generator.
This idea is to transfer "end game" damage to the front so that you can
prolong those critical hit points.
I do like the idea of "mass multiplication" in the transferring of
to carapace and taking the balancing from the power allocation. I'm just
wondering on balance.
For the mass of the system, I prefer working with % of other mass then
numbers. I think it keeps the number scaling better.
So your suggestion would be:
Endocrine System:
Mass: 20% of carapace
Biomass: 1 per 2 carapace repaired
Power: 2 per carapace from Repair Pool
It takes only one drink to get me drunk. The trouble is, I can't
if it's the thirteenth or the fourteenth.
George Burns
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