Re: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc
From: "john tailby" <John_Tailby@x...>
Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2007 23:06:30 +1300
Subject: Re: [GZG] [Aliens] was Re: FMA at EEC etc
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
> G'day,
>> I've shared ideas from my group several times. Seems to be
>> that any ideas that don't agree with the preconceptions
>> of the test team aren't welcome.
> Here or when sent straight to Jon? I would have thought it was pretty
> here.
Nope it was here. the FT play testers sounded like they were only
in promoting their own ideas which were nto very well documented. When
asked questions about why things were done it was always "you
we changed this other rule as well."
It would be good to get a cohesive copy of the current playtest version
the FT rules so someone that is reviewing the changes can see all of the
changes and how they work toegther rather than just the new fighter
>> Mt group developed its
>> own complete set of rules, with modular additional
>> weapon systems, campaign system the works. it got sent to
>> Jon. Might as well have pushed it out the airlock into
>> the black. Apparently it got forwarded
>> to the test team and well see above....
> Was this for DS or FT?
Full Thrust was the game we wrote our version of the rules for. Now
are developing a DS equivalent game.
>> Specific beefs about DS. Butt ugly counter draw system.
>> Counters all over the unit and all over the table.
>> Opposed dice rolls with variable dice make for
>> really slow play. Good things are the alternate activation.
> This highlights another issue when creating a game, you can't please
> of the people all of the time. I actually like the counter draw
> the opposed dice rolls and the fact all the info is on the table with
> unit ;)
Counter draw and opposed dice rolls are slow play mechanisms compared to
rolling a number of dice in series you want to keep the action flowing
have the players looking up charts and going for different sized dice.
Much faster to say this unit is firing small arms at this unit and pick
up x
dice roll to hit, roll to damage and then roll to see if any of the
defenses can stop the shots (defenses could be stealth technology,
jammers, or status like dug in) Rolls could be made in a different order
you roll to get past the defenses (a spotting roll) then roll to hit and
then damage/ penetration effect. If I firing is done unit against unit
I can roll my dice as one batch. Much faster than endless strings of
Some of the best visual representation markers are the blast markers GW
in EPIC and in their BFG game. Want to know where the action is? It's
to spot units under fire because they are covered in explosion markers.
Looks cool and has a game effect.
keeping track of different damaged results against lots of different
in any game is difficult and almost all games need markers of some kind.
They just look messy.
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