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[GZG] Re: GZG ECC X: Indy's AAR (parts 1 & 2)

From: Indy <indy.kochte@g...>
Date: Tue, 20 Feb 2007 07:47:29 -0500
Subject: [GZG] Re: GZG ECC X: Indy's AAR (parts 1 & 2)

Gzg-l mailing list 2)

Sunday	morning came entirely too fast. 3-1/2 hours had gone by. I
more sleep. But I needed food more. And as there is nothing open in
Lanc'ster for food on a Sunday, Jon Davis, his boys, Jerry Han, and I
out to find a diner Jon had seen on the drive in: the Neptune Diner. It
here that I probably had the lowest point of the weekend. We walked into
smoke-filled restaurant, the air so heavy it was gray (I know many
smoke, but most are pretty courteous about it, and while I have allergic
reactions to smoke, I can usually tolerate brief exposures, so I don't
complain any). The hostess asked us if we wanted smoking or non-smoking.
asked for non-smoking. As she led us into the back room, one of the
at the diner bar threw a comment our way "Yeah, send them to the back
they belong!". Totally uncalled for. :-[  If only we had real gauss
rifles....  Anyway, we went to the back and had the whole place to
ourselves. And had a pretty decent meal. Our waitress chatted with us a
while, complaining about the conditions of the streets. She said that
mayor was claiming "full responsibility", and wondered rhetorically if
would then take responsibility for her car's front end alignment repair.
Heheh. Jon D made a joke about not seeing the Amish snowplows out this
weekend, which cracked our waitress up to no end.

After breakfast, back to the hotel. Check out and back to the gaming!

Today I ran part two of my alternate timeline scenarios. Today it was to
an FMAS game. The remaining survivors from the Delafield (which had
massive damage during the time travel transit) had fought their way from
Italy (teaming up with a company of Rangers near Cistern di Latina) to
Germany. Their remaining numbers were few. 4 NAC Marines (Martin
Connell), 3
Power Armour troopers (Steve Barosi), and 6 US Rangers (Mike Hudak)
a bombed-out section of Berlin. Their goal: to get to a certain building
the map where a lab had been created to generate high-tech weapons for
German army. To that end they had a couple of very small tac nukes to
obliterate the lab (but not enough to cause wide-scale destruction of
city). An ad hoc defense was assembled by the local lab commander that
consisted of 4 NSL panzergrenadiers (the remaining survivors from their
crash, run by John Lerchey), 7 Fallschirmjagers armed with the latest
weapons that the lab had turned out (and given the materials the lab had
work with, these weapons could either fail or Do Bad Things on any roll
'1'; these were run by John-Mark Davis), and two standard 1944 panzers:
a Pz
IV H and a Pz VI "Tiger" (run by Tom McCarthy).

The battlefield was a 4'x'4' city section. The NAC and US Rangers mostly
pushed down one flank with most of the buildings semi-intact. The NSL
panzergrens were on the far side of the table setting up defensive
perimeters, while the fallschirmjagers rushed forward to directly engage
Rangers and Marines. The power armour dudes moved down the middle of the
board with the goal of getting to the lab first. The panzers appeared on
turn two. The Tiger appeared just in time to sight a PA trooper poking
head out from behind a shattered wall. The commander fired the big
HIT the PA trooper! Square in the forehead. Fortunately for the trooper,
shot was non-damaging to the suit, but he got knocked onto his ass. He
back up again and the two of them proceeded to exchange fire for a

In the meantime another PA trooper found the Pz IV and attacked it.
Realizing his gun was really a small arms weapon, he entered
close combat with the tank! Now, you would expect the PA dude to tear
tank apart like a hot knife through butter, but the tank commander and
driver jinked the tank back and forth enough that the trooper couldn't
get a
good hold. At one point the trooper attempted to climb up onto the tank
order to rip off the turret, but the panzer suddenly jinked in such a
that the trooper was thrown to the ground, his suit taking damage. The
panzer commander attempted to run over the trooper, but the trooper
to always deflect the tank, and at a couple points damaged the thing
doing so.

While that was all going on, the Rangers and NAC Marines were embroiled
in a
battle with the Fallschirmjagers. While out-numbered, and in some points
the wide open, they were holding their own by delaying the US/NAC forces
from pushing forward. I don't think John-Mark really appreciated the
role he
was playing in the game. While most of his guys ended up being killed,
bought John Lerchey's panzergrenadiers time to get into position
it turned out that his position wasn't always supportive of the battle
the far end of the table, due to intervening terrain).

John Lerchey eventually got his heavy plasma gun trooper into a position
where it could support the tanks against the power armoured troopers.
And as
the one PA trooper with a small tac nuke ran for the lab, John's man
him repeatedly. Didn't quite kill the PA trooper, but brought him to his
knees right in the lab, unable to do ANYthing (he had Wounds and Stress
galore, so much that he couldn't even activate!). The other two PA
decided it was time to go help their comrade and set off the nuke (the
trooper in HTH combat with the Pz IV moved to leave, and the Pz IV moved
stop him - but by fortuitous chance Steve rolled extra well and the
was completely disabled!). John's plasma man stood his ground and
each of them hard. The PA trooper who had been in HTH with the panzer
took a
hard hit as he rushed into HTH combat with the plasma gunner. He was too
away to get the assault going, and that had allowed the plasma gunner to
the PA trooper a bit ahead of time.

The Tiger (damaged) moved up to throw another 88 shell into the unmoving
trooper at the lab entrance, but Martin's one NAC Marine with its own
plasma gun (and with ONLY three shots remaining!) fired a full spread of
damage at the Tiger in the space of two turns. The first shot missed.
second two actually hit, the last shot killing the Tiger before it could
unleash its own hell shot.

It was now the next turn. There were two PA troopers left, both badly
wounded (2 out of 3 wounds taken). The Fallschirmjagers were all but
destroyed (one or two had started to pull back from engagement with the
Rangers). Half the Rangers were dead, most of the rest wounded. I think
of the NAC Marines were dead or wounded as well. The NSL
were the only ones unharmed by any combat. It was initiative time. The
thing that stood between the lab and the PA troopers at this very moment
the NSL plasma gunner. One PA trooper was in close combat range and
ready to
throw a punch. The die were rolled. The NAC/US side won initiative!

But the fat lady hadn't sung yet. Could Steve's PA trooper shake off the
stress that he was feeling about charging headlong into plasma shots, or
would he freeze in his tracks, Shaken? He, a Veteran/2 guy, was badly
wounded (had taken two Wounds, which equal four stress points) and was
seriously stressed (had two additional Stress chits). He needed to roll
HIGHER than an 8 in order to activate successfully and enter close
with the plasma gunner. If he failed, the plasma gunner would most
back up a few steps and lay waste to both of the remaining PA troopers.

Steve rolled. The group held their breaths. The die spun a little....a


Sgt Allan Bowden shook off the effects from the last the plasma gun
knowing that it was ALL on his shoulders now. He swung his arm, crushing
through the chest plate of the Nazi before him. Dropping exhaustedly to
ground beside the now lifeless Nazi, he saw his squad commander, Colonel
William Reed, rush forward to the downed but still alive Lt Tony Parris.
Small arms fire from the other three Nazi panzergrenadiers behind him
on his suit, but he had no thoughts for them. His focus was all on Col
He prayed. He saw two heavily armed figures rise from a hidden door
the rubble. They trained their large plasma guns on Colonel Reed's form
Reed took the tac nuke from Parris, manipulate it, and...

...Sgt Parris continued prepping his PA suit next to Colonel Reed. Those
damned FSE were NOT going to take the Bradley colony and hold it for
long -
not if the 136th Gloucestershire Regiment had anything to say about it!
Briefly, an unbidden thought came to his mind, of an ancestor who fought
with the 751st Tank Battalion in Italy, on Earth, back during World War
He wondered for a split moment what war might have been like back then,
their version of power armored troops, the tankers. Then he scowled,
his head and went back to prepping his suit. There would be enough
ahead of him in this time that he didn't need to start worrying about
damned past. Leave that for the historians to ponder.

Thanks to everyone who came out this weekend and played. It was a great
time, and a great ECC. You boys and girls far away, you should put aside
some money every month, and join us next year. :-)


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