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Re: [GZG] HDC madness

From: Roger Burton West <roger@f...>
Date: Sun, 21 Jan 2007 22:07:17 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] HDC madness

On Sun, Jan 21, 2007 at 12:26:00AM -0700, Richard Bell wrote:
>I was looking at the IJN playtest rules for the HDC and realised that
>there was some room for abuse.  Not that I seriously consider the HDC
>to be broken, only that you should be careful of accepting challenges
>for 20,000 point fleets (strict NPV).

Well, the HDC was obviously intended mostly to be used one to a ship,
and I favour CPV costing - though to some extent you could get round the
latter by using sectional ships, probably a good idea anyway at your
proposed size. I think that a lot of the toughness of your design would
be shared by any ship of the same TMF - consider that 3200MASS spent on
beam batteries would give you 66 class-4 single-arc beams per arc, or
177 class-4 six-arc beams for the whole ship!

However, I see two HDC-specific problems: (1) the HDC has no exemption
from the normal rule that a weapon must be mounted facing into a
specific firing arc. (2) _All_ weapons that are fired from a ship that's
also firing an HDC have to make threshold checks. So when your 80-strong
set of HDCs fires, each of them has to make 79 threshold checks for all
the other HDCs firing at the same time, and has about one chance in 1.8
million of surviving.

I do accept that the phrasing of the rule is not always clear, and I
will look into amending it. Thanks for your feedback.

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