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Re: [GZG] Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?

From: Tony Christney <tchristney@t...>
Date: Fri, 10 Nov 2006 09:51:25 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG] Quick survey - 15mm SF preferences?

On 10-Nov-06, at 5:21 AM, Ground Zero Games wrote:
> Please rate your liking for the following types of AFVs, on a scale of

> 1 to 5, with 1 being "stupid idea, can't stand 'em" and 5 being "yes 
> please, would buy lots!"  ;-)
> 1) Tracked vehicles

> 2) Wheeled vehicles

> 3) Hover vehicles (air cushion)

> 4) "Early" Grav (like the ones we've done so far)

> 5) "Advanced" Grav (high tech)
5 - 15mm versions of the deimos variants from the FW line!
     A recurring theme I've read on this list is that people
     like to match their vehicles across scales.

> 6) Walkers (multi-legged)

> 7) Walkers (bipedal, ie: "Mechs")

Would I buy all of the things here? Probably not. But I still
think they are great ideas! I would also love to see the AV6
in 15mm, with room for troops inside and door gunner options.

Tony C.

Gzg-l mailing list

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