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From: "John Atkinson" <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Thu, 9 Nov 2006 08:01:40 +0300
Subject: Re: [GZG] OODA

On 11/9/06, <> wrote:
> Thinking about a discussion of UGO IGO and turn-based games...I'd like
to have a game which takes into account the reaction times of the
different units--reaction time meaning OODA loops.
> Now, in something like FT, and easy way to implement this would be
impulses (but I should call them "turns" instead of "impulses" or the
"Death to SFB" crowd will break out their pitchforks and torches). 
Nelson might be able to write orders every 3 impulses; Suffren every 4;
Byng might only be able to write orders every 8 impulses. To some
extent, your OODA speed would be a function of your navy's training, so
most NAC commanders are, say about a 4....but you will still get a few
5's and 3's.
> This would affect maneuvering, and possibly changing targets; it
wouldn't affect your ROF against a current target.
> Comments? And any ideas on how to apply it in a StarGrunt-like

Difficult to implement, impossible to balance, unsure that added
paperwork load would add to enjoyment of the game.

If it is a significant enough change to matter, it will be hugely
frustrating for players forced to deal with incompetents and idiots.

My impressions of Picquet, fair or unfair, are entirely based on one
demo game where I had a pack of peasants that basically stood there
while my enemy ran them down. Wouldn't even fire their bows, because
in Picquet, it apparently takes hours to reload bows if the right card
doesn't come up, and there are cards which force you to shoot your
bows even if there are no enemies anywhere in sight except those
knights on the other side of the river at approximately twice
effective bow range.

This is not a good thing for a new player. (NB to all staunch
defenders of picquet--that is the point of my discussion, not the
merits of picquet)

Most people are going to decide to have good troops who can react.
People who don't, are going to be slaughtered.	It might be realistic,
but it doesn't make for an entertaining game.

"Thousands of Sarmatians, Thousands of Franks, we've slain them again
and again.  We're looking for thousands of Persians."
--Vita Aureliani
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