Re: [GZG] [FT] Thrust and Mass Loss
From: John K Lerchey <lerchey@a...>
Date: Tue, 7 Nov 2006 15:32:34 -0500 (EST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Thrust and Mass Loss
If you were going to do that, then shouldn't you also modify ships like
DDs with SMRs or SMLs once the "tubes" are empty? What about normal
carriers that have all of their fighters launched? Mass is mass, but
overall I think that I prefer to keep things simple. :)
John K. Lerchey
Assistant Director for Incident Response
Information Security Office
Carnegie Mellon University
On Tue, 7 Nov 2006, Jaime Tiampo wrote:
> So here I am working on some new ship designs and as I was making a
> Sa'vasku carrier I got to thinking.
> This thing starts at 144 mass. But in launching its drones drops 60 of
> that mass. Now you have what is an 84 mass ship which is 1/3 more
> efficient in thrust ratings.
> Be nice to have another 2 thrust charts for breaks in thrust power
> requirements. ;-)
> I know it's for game simplicity not to have it.
> Jaime
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