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[GZG] re: Point Systems

From: "Glenn M. Goffin" <gmgoffin@y...>
Date: Sun, 5 Nov 2006 16:58:49 -0800 (PST)
Subject: [GZG] re: Point Systems

>From: "john tailby" <>

>Wargames also tend to remove any strategic element from the games 
>both sides line up in a roughly linear formation within heavy
>range with enough models to cover the table from side to side. The 
>choice came down to which unit fired at which, scouting, finding 
>weaknesses in defences, having enough depth to form multiple lines
>defence are not things easily replicated on a typical wargames
>So I don't think that wargames are an attempt to simulate a
>battle they are an artificial construct to allow both players an
>chance at achieving the objective of killing the enemy and holding

That's where we disagree, here:

>Fortunately wargames are more fun than a real battle. There is a 
>distinct lack of comfortable chairs and beer and a marked increase 
>in bullets in a real battle. 

is where we agree.


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