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Re: [GZG] New game mechanics (was: Re: Name for Rules)

From: "Allan Goodall" <agoodall@h...>
Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 13:26:52 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] New game mechanics (was: Re: Name for Rules)

On 11/4/06, Eli Arndt <> wrote:
> I'll through in for some sort of multi-based system similar to FOW.  \

What are the base sizes for FOW? I saw the post that mentioned "small"
and "medium", but what sizes are used for the different kinds of

(The sizes I gave were for standard squads. I didn't mention the other
Crossfire or Piquet base sizes.)

Both Crossfire and Piquet said, explicitly, that they would work with
any basing scheme. The only games that are usually anal about base
sizing are those involving linear tactics, and usually they will work
with another game's basing as long as the sizes are consistent.

In other words, it's easy enough for Jon to come up with a basing
scheme of his own, probably something that would work equally well
with DS2, and then add a line that said, "Any basing scheme is
possible." That way those who come from an FOW background can use that
basing, those from a Crossfire background can use _that_ basing

I personally don't care what basing scheme is used, but I hope Jon
settles on it early on. I'd like to get some figures together for
playtesting, as I strongly suspect that this will be Jon's next


Allan Goodall
Gzg-l mailing list

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