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Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)

From: "Roger Books" <roger.books@g...>
Date: Thu, 2 Nov 2006 13:32:45 -0500
Subject: Re: Blue Sky Thinking (was: Re: [GZG] re: Wanted)

Gzg-l mailing list 11/2/06, Ground
Zero Games <> wrote:
>  Thanks for all the responses so far; maybe I should have done this in
> first place, but  if it's not too late let's turn this into a
> I'd like as many listers as possible (yes, that means you lurkers
too!) to
> respond to this - go on, it'll only take you a couple of moments!
> 1) Do you (or have you in recent years) play SG2?
> a) Yes, with 25/28mm minis
> b) Yes, with 15mm minis but using standard SG2 - ie: single-based
> c) Yes, with 15mm minis but modified for group-based figures
> d) No, interested but have no opponents/time/money etc...
> e) No, not interested


2) Would the development of a game like we've been discussing (let's
call it
> SG3) fit what you would want from a hard SF ground combat game?
> a) Yes, and I'd play it in 15mm
> b) Yes, but I'd still play it in 25/28mm (or 6mm, or anything else!)
> c) No, this level of game doesn't interest me


3) Would the development of SG3 in this direction tempt you into
> buying/collecting 15mm forces?
> a) Yes, I'd buy a new 15mm army!
> b) I already have a 15mm force waiting for a game system...
> c) No, I've got enough lead/scale/projects already!

a with reservations.  If I could get Wombats, and Slammer hover tanks I
would be ready to buy a new army, or my same army at a different scale. 


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