Re: [GZG] Full Thrust Playtest
From: "Laserlight" <laserlight@v...>
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 03:15:48 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Full Thrust Playtest
> Also the test group needs to provide regular updates on progress even
> it is "no progress this month".
That's a valid point. And the playtest group would like to be
faster than we have been, but a couple of key members have "a life",
whatever that is....
> You need a fighter heavy fleet to go up against the "basic ships" from
> fleet book one.
Yep, we have that. If you look in the archives for "soap bubble carrier"
imagine you'll find it.
> In our games we found that EMP weapons as written are very powerful.
> the ship with 3 hits and every system is knocked out on a 4+ threshold
> check.
Not "every" system--mainly engines, screens, and FCS.
I believe I mentioned in the previous post that EMP is one of those
where the firer often feels it's too weak while the target feels it's
strong. How many times did your group play with EMP-as-written before
changing it?
> Specific hits can be allocated against any system the sensors can
> identify. BTW organic ships really hate EMP weapons.
Yeah, they would, particularly if you can specify their power systems. I
don't play the SV, so I've passed that on to the test list for specific
consideration. Good catch.
> Because we don't use standard FT rules our groups games don't make for
> good playtest games.
> If you did get copies of our rues and are interested in seeing reports
> our games we should be able to provide you with quite a bit of
> information.
If it's not using standard FT, I'm not certain how helpful it would be.
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