RE: [GZG] Re: Ful lThrust Playtest? (SimonWhite) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIE D]
From: "Robertson, Brendan" <Brendan.Robertson@d...>
Date: Thu, 26 Oct 2006 17:11:13 +1000
Subject: RE: [GZG] Re: Ful lThrust Playtest? (SimonWhite) [SEC=UNCLASSIFIE D]
Phew! Took a bit of reading to get through all of that.
I liked the way fleets were organised to limit force sizes.
Possible suggestion for trade routes, taking into account your FTL
Simply run a link between two systems that are less than the optimum FTL
jump range. RPs move the full distance each turn (less the distance
penalty). If any enemy ship stops on the trade route, that route is
interdicted and RPs are lost/fought over at the interdicted location by
convoy escorts.
This should cut down your paperwork a bit.
Ship fatigue: have you considered simply placing a break line at the
hull damage point? When repairing systems, increase the repair cost by
fatigue/max hull%. After a while the increased repair costs will start
accumulate more than the ship is worth. Eg: 4/10 hull fatigue = +40%
to repair any destroyed systems (round down). So a PDS would cost
(3+40%= 4
pts) to repair and a hanger bay would cost (27+40%= 37 pts) to repair.
ease, just add all the damage together and increase by 40% for in this
gives a rounding advantage of a few points).
'Neath Southern Skies
> -----Original Message-----
> Doug Evans
> Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 8:01 PM
> Subject: RE: [GZG]Re:FullThrustPlaytest?(SimonWhite)
> You could back out to FTHouse, then to FTCamp, but here you go:
> Thanks again, Simon!
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