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[ECC] Cards was [GZG] Beta Fighters

From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 13:56:45 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: [ECC] Cards was [GZG] Beta Fighters

>To everyone else, sorry, but it's STILL nice to see something other
than spam and system messages in the mail queue.

That's my cue to laugh maniacally and start a thread.

In the course of Carnage con Queso and Found Me A Sheep, the players are
given a number of cards which they can play as needed. Typical Con Queso
cards = "Artillery strike: one round of fire from 3 medium mortars"; or
"Medibot: add a medic to your squad." 

Typical FMAS cards = "Maxim gun: upon use, see GM for effect" (the
effect is that it prints out 'a penny saved is a penny earned'--that's
your maxim); or "Mint jelly flamer--causes Terror in sheep."

Note that cards can be useful, or purely for the GM's malevolent
amusement, or just to make an atrocious pun. 

What cards would *you* like to see at Con Queso y Sheep at ECC-X? If
it's something like the Maxim gun, where the punchline should be secret,
then email laserlight at verizon dot net

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