[GZG] Re: Full Thrust Playtest? (Simon White)
From: mintroll-ft-list <mintroll-gzg-ft@2...>
Date: Tue, 24 Oct 2006 12:03:09 +0000
Subject: [GZG] Re: Full Thrust Playtest? (Simon White)
Hi, I'm a closet reader - thought I'd finally make a post.
My gaming group and I are currently running an FT campaign - well we
were, but we're going to restart and re-write some of the campaign
stuff. Completely separate to the FT Core rules, in fact almost an
entire game in itself (I'll write up FTCamp0.2 and post in on my website
sometime soon - for now there is the disorganised wiki that covers most
of FTCamp, its out of date though).
Importantly though, we're including and testing some/all of the newish
rules we can find:
>> Right now the latest stuff being concentrated on is fighters.
>> Mk
http://lists.firedrake.org/gzg/200403/msg00286.html - these are a set of
new fighter rules, and they're brilliant. Honestly, they fix fighters
completely (in our opinion), they're no longer uber powerful on their
own, but they still hurt if they get too close.
If there is a more recent version of 3rd ed fighter rules can someone
tell me... but any back step from these would be a shame. [Also like the
formalisation of Beam Dice]
>> Or post them here, and someone will forward them to the playtest
list. That
>> would be my preference, anyway, but I'm one of those dinosaurs who
only use
>> fora when I absolutely have to.
I couldn't get to the playtest forum, so I'm posting all this here
Grasers - no problems from our group, does however tend to indicate
shields as a better option than armour, the new Long Range PTL should
counter that.
AMTs - very powerful if you hit, but (under vector movement) hard to get
right (under Beta-Fighter rules give them 3 'hit points' for reducing
LPTL - no issues as is
EMPs - no comment, no one has fitted them yet.
SMs - not sure how the Beta-Fighter rules affect these, no one has
fitted them either
We're planning on introducing some of the ideas from:
Mostly the blue and green entries. We also have several new systems of
our own - but they are mostly for campaign play, so of lesser interest
to FT 3rd Ed.
>> Even general comments on playarea in MU's, shape of playarea, speeds,
and the
>> like help.
After our first attempt at a campaign we found this in particular to be
the most troubling part of battles. We (re-)designed (FTCamp0.2) a
system for groups arriving on a d6 roll, modified by campaign factors.
Starting speeds 0-2x(max thrust).
We originally tried scrolling tables, but after one game hit the wall
(literally) we've decided to probably stop that. Play area is usually
Right, I've rambled on long enough.
Experience is the fool's best teacher; the wise do not need it.
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