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Re: [GZG] Full Thrust Playtest?

From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Mon, 23 Oct 2006 09:37:31 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] Full Thrust Playtest?

>I hear rumors that there's a new version of FT in the works. Is there
any playtesting going on right now?  James

Playtesting is under way for new rules for fighters, anti-fighter
weapons, turn sequence, fire controls, and other stuff. You can see new
weapons and fleet proposals at and the linked pages for the
other fleets. Note that these are BETA TEST versions--final versions may
be different. 
****Please play these Beta designs**** against the standard fleets and
give us an After Action Report. AARs should not just be "Islamic Feds
rule!" or "UN sucks!", but an actual description of what ships were on
each side, the course of the battle, what you liked and disliked. If you
can keep track of die rolls, that would be great--we've had some test
battles that made one side look way too powerful, simply because one
player had really hot dice that day.
Be aware that some weapons--UN grasers and ORC EMP beams, for
instance--feel too powerful when you're the one being shot at, but too
weak when you're the one trying to use them.

Gzg-l mailing list

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