Re: Re: [GZG] [brushfire] Final Summary [long] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Tue, 10 Oct 2006 08:39:35 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: Re: [GZG] [brushfire] Final Summary [long] [SEC=UNCLASSIFIED]
>>Laserlight got specific.
>And if it's not covered with medium and heavy weapons fire it's
No...because the point is to delay. The Arrow tank leader rolls up and
see what might be a minefield. He doesn't know whether it is or not; he
doesn't know whether it's covered by a SAW or PIG or nothing. Should he
risk those expensive tanks and roll right through? Deploy infantry? Go
around? If he goes around, is he rolling into an ambush? Or a hidden
minefield? Then there's a rifle shot. Is it some yahoo with a deer
rifle, or is it a marksman trying to take out a tank sensor (or a tanker
who's stuck his head out)?
And remember, it's mostly NOT Hooligans who are laying these delay idea was to show some locals how to do it, make an MPEG of
the lesson, and put it on their local web. After that it's no expense to
me, and every hour it delays the Arrows is an hour closer toward
fulfilling my contract. And it shows the locals "we're trying to help
defend you and we're willing to show you how to defend yourself--unlike
that evil imperialist who came and shot your beloved mayor." I was
working for the ESU, remember--it's all political.
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