Re: [GZG] (OT?) X-Treme Hobby...
From: Frits Kuijlman <frits@k...>
Date: Fri, 23 Jun 2006 09:12:55 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] (OT?) X-Treme Hobby...
Ground Zero Games wrote:
> the designs and the masters; if the deal had included production
> moulds and such it might have looked more feasible, but all these
> appear to be held by a third party contract caster and thus are not
> included in the sale. After careful consideration, I decided to pass.
This probably was to be expected. Your time with styrene and his time
with a CAD program being equal he would still want to recoup some of
the 3d printing costs. Add to that the design work by John Bear Ross
and costs will start to add up. The above remark about productions
moulds makes things even more unappetising. You would want ironclad
garantees that these production moulds will be destroyed when you buy
the rights.
All in all, sigh:-)
Frits Kuijlman
Delft, The Netherlands
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