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Re: RE: [GZG] re: Sheep con Queso

From: <laserlight@v...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:47:41 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Re: RE: [GZG] re: Sheep con Queso

>From: Doug Evans <>
>Also, Cavernscapes aren't terrifically difficult to do in foam, but IS
problematic to carry around. I'd suggest drawn on a sheet, or even using
glued on yarn or batting to indicate cave walls. 

I though about something like that for my starship interiors at theis
past years FMA Sheep, but given that this is a minis game and visual
appeal and all that, i decided against it.

I've seen a three dimensional modular cave (top open of course) that
someone built but I didn't save the URL and can't find it now.
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