RE: [GZG] re: Sheep con Queso
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:25:26 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] re: Sheep con Queso
Well, my idea was the cavern have just one or a couple of points shared
with the surface. That way, you could just have the caverns to the side.
Also, Cavernscapes aren't terrifically difficult to do in foam, but IS
problematic to carry around. I'd suggest drawn on a sheet, or even using
glued on yarn or batting to indicate cave walls. Seems easy enough to
up, then roll out.
Haven't tried that myself, mind you.
Michael Brown wrote on 06/22/2006 10:16:57 AM:
> I think a plain field (GeoHex) with a ravine through the
> middle would be
> good, and the field is over a cavern system (like
> Cavernscape). Best of
> both worlds!
> As for transportation, you have to go modular, and stacked
> terrain would add
> another "layer" to the madness.
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