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Re: [GZG] (OT?) X-Treme Hobby...

From: "Jaime Tiampo" <fugugaipan@s...>
Date: Wed, 21 Jun 2006 18:45:04 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] (OT?) X-Treme Hobby...

> Thanks, John. Do keep us appraised of further developements, though I
> wouldn't be surprised if one of our favorite Euro manufacturers wasn't
> already in talks. ;->= (No specially knowledge, but I assume 'no
> means SOMEBODY with experience is chatting.)

Damn. Good thing I bought a couple of fleet boxes last year. Might have
pick up a few more before the end. I have a bunch of Kharadorn and have
say I'm pretty happy with the sculpts. They've replaced my B5 stuff as
favourate sculpts.


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