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Re: [GZG] Real Astroplitics

From: Nyrath the nearly wise <nyrath@p...>
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 07:17:05 -0400
Subject: Re: [GZG] Real Astroplitics wrote:
> How does the Astropolitical map compare to the list of well over 100
> systems that we now know to harbour planets ?
> Any inconsistencies with that ?

	As previously mentioned, almost all of the 188 known
	extrasolar planets are superjovan planets that
	make Jupiter look like the runt of the litter.
	The few that are not were found by gravitational
	lensing, and are thus more than 100,000 light
	years away.

	The stars on the Astropolitical map are the stars
	within about 50 light years of the Sun, omitting
	the spectral class M stars which are unlikely
	to be host to human-habitable planets.

	(Years after I made the astropolitical map,
	I finally obtained a copy of the HabCat
	database, which further limits the
	type of human habitable stars.
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