[GZG] Hey, Jon T., some 25 mm Indonesian Infantry figures ideas
From: Glenn Wilson <glenn-wilson-1950@s...>
Date: Sun, 23 Apr 2006 18:45:44 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: [GZG] Hey, Jon T., some 25 mm Indonesian Infantry figures ideas
Something for Jon T. to consider after Salute.
Okay, I realize this is not a major level of interest
area type request but what the hey...
{Please insert obligatory plea for IC in 6 and 15 mm
scale} [anyone have good ideas for substitutes in
this scale can now list manufacturers I need to scope
Down to specifics in 25 mm scale - The IC figure line
needs the following figures, IMO:
1) SAW gunner - everybody needs at least one figure
using a SAW for the squaddies, two or more
possibilities are of course better.
2) Grenadier - yes I know others don't have underslung
GLs either but then I would like to see that
'standard' for all the lines and at least for the
canon groups (NAC, ESU, FSE,NSL, IC, NI, IF...)
3) RTO/EWO - see comments above in #2.
4) Flamer - Yes, I can use the IF one (which I already
own for the IF mercs) with some creative painting but
like #2 above I would like the option for a close
asault squad or two.
5) IPG operator - see #2 above again please.
And while I am dreaming;
Medics in IC uniforms - obviously I can use the
figures in Generic or Merc lines.
Sniper - ditto plus the Ghillie suit figure is usable
Officers or crew or technicians armed with
pistol/PDW/Machine pistol and in IC uniforms.
That's it for now. Grin.
Glenn Wilson
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