Re: [GZG] Dirtside2 (and others) - Alternates for counters
From: "Andreas Udby" <javelin98@l...>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 2006 19:25:43 -0800
Subject: Re: [GZG] Dirtside2 (and others) - Alternates for counters
Here's a thought -- if you put your units on a small movement tray, then
you could have a small holder on the back of the tray for chits. Here's
a game we used to have when I was a kid where there were chits right on
the back of the tanks (granted, they were roughly 15mm-ish):
Not a perfect solution, but one which at least tidies up the tabletop a
bit. My other idea involved nanites and biometric circuitry, so it's
probably best that I just shut up now. The nurse is bringing me my
medication now, anyway.
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