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[FH] Veering hugley OT was Re: [GZG] Saieed Khalifate

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 12:55:41 -0500
Subject: [FH] Veering hugley OT was Re: [GZG] Saieed Khalifate

> although I wouldn't want to have NI and IF mercenaries working

I certainly understand this, and probably agree. However, you have to
understand, from my point of view, the religious and racial parts of the
history of conflict is actually the sectarian thrashings of two of the
three main branches of one major religion and intra-racial struggles of
semetic peoples.

If Catholics and Lutherans and Episcopelians, and English and French,
serve in one force...

The Pollyanna part is the hope that it would take any shorter amount of
time for reason to prevail; Christian and European history presents no

Course, the liberal part of me has problems with the concept of legal
mercenaries. ;->=


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