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[GZG] Dirtside2 (and others) - Alternates for counters

From: "Derek Rogillio" <derek@r...>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 2006 00:29:30 -0400
Subject: [GZG] Dirtside2 (and others) - Alternates for counters

Gzg-l mailing list all,

I played some Dirtside 2 this weekend for the first time in quite a
It had probably been 8 years or so, although I did play in one of the
demos at ECC (thanks Indy and John!).

One of the things that struck me is that I really dislike all of the
counters on the board for leadership and morale.  Has anyone come up
with a
more elegant way to handle this without the counters?  I like the
of how it works, but I'd prefer not to have the counters cluttering up

Also, I've heard that there are some house rules to replace the damage
in DS2.  Is there a link somewhere to the alternate system?

Derek A. Rogillio
derek at rogillio dot net

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