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[GZG] [OFFICIAL] 15mm question to the list.... (and more 15mm news!)

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2006 15:53:24 +0100
Subject: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] 15mm question to the list.... (and more 15mm news!)

Question for those of you who use our 15mm infantry:

We are starting on some extra packs for the existing infantry forces, 
things like kneeling and prone figures, extra support weapons, 
snipers, officers, comms/ecm guys and all that stuff.....

First out will be a generic Command unit pack (for combat group HQs), 
consisting of senior officers, NCOs/sentries, comms operators etc, 
all in fatigues only. PLUS...
A pack of kneeling and prone riflemen for each of the NAC, NSL, NI 
and ESU. We picked these as the most popular/best selling forces, and 
this first batch has now been commissioned from the sculptor.

Now, the question is which nations do we pick NEXT to do the 
kneeling/prone figs for?

Options are:

Islamic Fed
Free Cal-Tex
Colonial Militia

If you'd like to rate these in your own personal order of preference, 
the results would be very useful!


Jon (GZG)
Gzg-l mailing list

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