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RE: [GZG] Biology in a vacuum

From: Ryan Gill <rmgill@m...>
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 18:12:56 -0500
Subject: RE: [GZG] Biology in a vacuum

At 3:13 PM +1100 3/27/06, <> wrote:
>>  After all, the difference between temperatures and pressures found
>> the deepest trench, or active floor vent, and the near surface of the
>> could be seen as extreme as between sea level and outer space....
>Problem is I can't think of a single large bodied (over say 8-10cm
>size) that can come up from the abyssal plain, let alone trenches and
>survive. They tend to pop, or invert (nothing like having you insides
>out to kill you off). That's ignoring cellular level damage that occurs
>on exposure to vacuum.

But your pressure difference from the surface to the deep deep is 1
atmosphere per 33'. From sea level to space, it's just 1 atmosphere
pressure difference.

If you can grow a structure that can handle hundreds to thousands of
pounds per square inch pressure, then you can cognitively grow one
that'll handle zero pressure by being dead/rigid tissue from the start.
And if the tissue gets cracked to the living part, the living part would
be organically inclined to emit a mucus that hardens when exposed to
vacuum as an instant damage control function. I'm handwaving here, but
then so is the whole idea of large thinking bio constructs in the first
-		  Data Center Operations Group		      -
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- Ryan Montieth Gill		       One CNN Center SE0813 E -
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