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Re: [GZG] Stuart Murray's Games at GZG ECC IX

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 17 Mar 2006 11:01:25 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] Stuart Murray's Games at GZG ECC IX

Just as aside, I mentioned long ago about modifying the Aliens
and making the bonus bug rule at GM's discretion, for anyone spending
much time doing strategy.

I only once came close to using the rule, and that was a case where the
team were all friends, and were enjoying plotting every move out. Me, I
enjoyed running the game a lot less without the fast pace.

In every other case, merely describing the rule in the first place gives
the players the idea, and especially, given that it's a cooperative
cause the other players to remind anybody that dawdles.

That, and of course the movie gives the rushed, unprepared feeling,
with everyone gleefully quoting Hudson. Good luck on trying to keep
to JUST the person playing Hudson. Game over, man, game over.


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