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Re: [GZG] FT 2+FB rules questions

From: Oerjan Ariander <oerjan.ariander@t...>
Date: Mon, 06 Mar 2006 06:55:32 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] FT 2+FB rules questions

David Stokes worte:

>Damage Control: When in the turn sequence does it occur?

Turn End phase, ie. after all ships have fired

>How soon after a hit can you attempt to repair a system?
>SMLs: Do they need a FireCon?

1 active FCS no matter how many missiles you launch; that FCS can also
used to direct other weapons fire later in the turn.

(Phalon Plasma Bolts OTOH need 1 active FCS *per bolt*.)

>Turning: In Cinematic Movement, can a ship that is stationary turn any 
>amount for 1 point? We both thought we have seen that somewhere but we 
>couldn't find. It made sense to us, though.

FT2 p.7, "Special Notes on Movement". Don't get too used to this rule 
though, because it'll almost certainly be deleted in the next edition.

>Core Systems: If a core system like life support has been hit and is 
>scheduled to go out in some number of turns, does it take threshold
>again at further thresholds?

Good question. AFAIK the rules don't specify this (normally you don't
threshold checks for damaged systems), but I'd say yes.

>If so, how is it handled? Do you roll again for how number of turns?

Again, I'd say yes.



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