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Re: [GZG] [OT] GZG-stocked shops in London?

From: "Samuel Penn" <sam@g...>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 10:27:03 -0000 (GMT)
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OT] GZG-stocked shops in London?

On Fri, February 10, 2006 9:15, Roger Burton West said:
> On Fri, Feb 10, 2006 at 12:26:16AM +0000, David Brewer wrote:
>>Technically, London is the smallest city in England(*), covering
>>the area inside the medieval city bars and run by the medieval
>>chartered corporation, electing officials from the old craft
>>guilds. The surrounding boroughs all expanded out into a vast
>>conurbation grouped together as Metropolitan London.
> Ah, I see what you mean. "Metro" would _never_ be used by an actual
> Londoner as opposed to a politician; "London" means Greater London or
> just everything inside the M25, whereas the City is just "the City" or
> sometimes "the City of London", never "London" alone.

And a few hundred years before that, London Town and the City of
Westminster were seperated by a large stretch of open fields.

> There is actually some gaming relevance: I've written up a very brief
> introduction to London for role-players who want to set games there.

Totally off topic, but I've just finished reading the Baroque Cycle[1],
a large part of which is set in 17th/18th century London. It's very
interesting reading about how some of the places I used to walk
through on the way to work started off. Possibly ideal for anyone
wanting to set a game in the period.

[1] Neal Stephenson, fictional history about the start of the
    Royal Society (and hence the birth of modern science).
    His long rambling approach to telling a story might not be
    to everyone's taste however.

Be seeing you,		  Web:
Sam.			   IM:

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