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Re: [GZG] [FT] Graser-1s again

From: Hugh Fisher <laranzu@o...>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 00:30:08 +1100
Subject: Re: [GZG] [FT] Graser-1s again

Oerjan wrote:

>  >>Increasing the G1's Mass (or cost) without changing its damage
>>>mechanics is essentially the same as saying that you *must* score
>  >>mega-hits to have a chance to win the battle. [...]

Ah, now we're getting to the central point.

>  >
>  >No I am not saying that. My impression from the earlier
>>responses was that the graser-1 mass and points cost had
>>been calculated solely on average damage, and therefore
>>it was under-priced because the potential for megahits
>>had not been taken into account.
>You don't *intend* to say that, but it is the outcome of the change 
>you propose.

Yes, you're right, that is the outcome.

But, my phrasing is slightly different. I would say that
graser-1s *will* score mega-hits in every battle, so it is
reasonable to factor that into the cost. If the graser-1s
don't score any mega-hits, then the player is rolling below

[ munch a bit ]
>If you compare a G1 to a P-torp on *maximum* damage, you're 
>comparing infinity to a finite number. Increasing the mass of the G1 
>by a single mass point, or even doubling it, won't change that 
>comparison noticably - you'll still get battle-winning mega-hits 
>every now and then, and if you've weaken the *non*-mega-hits which 
>on average provide two-thirds or more of the damage the weapon 
>inflicts during a battle the occasional mega-hits will stand out 
>even more than they do now.

Any standard beam has a potential maximum damage of infinity,
but the probability that a standard beam will get a mega-hit
is so low that nobody can realistically count on it happening.

I believe that with the graser-1, the probability of scoring
a mega-hit is sufficiently increased - an order of magnitude
more likely for an 18 pointer - that a player *can* expect to
score at least one in every battle, just by having a dozen
or more graser-1s to roll for.

I can't think of any formula to predict how much extra a
graser-1 should cost because of this, but I'd be satisfied
with the base cost going from 2 to 3, or the arc costs
being increased to 2-arc mass 3, 3-arc mass 4, 6-arc mass 5.

Looking through the UNSC beta roster,
* The Hunter frigate has a pair of 2-arc instead of 3-arc,
or just one graser-1.
* The Lawkeeper cutter drops the beam-1
* The Lake III drops the beam-2
* The Luna, Sea, and Gaia drops a pair of beam-1s
To me that doesn't seem excessive.

I do seem to be in the minority on this, so promise to shut
up on this issue from now on. Thanks everyone and Oerjan in
particular for taking the time to respond.

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