Re: Measurement units (was: Re: [GZG] [FT] Cancon 2006 Random Observations)
From: Adrian <adrian@s...>
Date: Wed, 01 Feb 2006 13:27:11 -0500
Subject: Re: Measurement units (was: Re: [GZG] [FT] Cancon 2006 Random Observations)
>When I was at school, back in the days of the steam-driven pornograph
..."pornograph machine"?????
Schools in the UK must have been *really* different back in the day...
(Different from over here in the prudish colonies, at any rate)
>- we still use miles for road distances, but metric for all shop
>and measures - except for milk and beer, which still comes in pints
>elephants). Go figure. ;-)
You measure elephants using pints?
Measuring a large animal by (liquid) volume and not weight suggests....
well, I'm not sure what it suggests, but that's odd.
You English. Odd. Just plain odd. Pornograph machines in school and
pints of elephant...
Adrian Johnson
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