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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

From: Peter Thoenen <eol1@y...>
Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2006 17:38:22 -0800 (PST)
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

{...SNIP Vector Options...}

Lots of people are commenting on future ship redesigns to reflect the
of vector movement (no point to multiple arc weapons).	Would just like
to add
(as I primarily play cinematic) that redesigning as suggested would
cinematic play.  If we are going to make everything during the late KV
single arc (to reflect vector rotation realities) then each ship really
have two weapons readouts ... its KV all weapons FA listing and a
multiple arc listing.

I do like the comment somebody made that if it takes 1 thrust to rotate
you, it
really should take 1 thrust to stop you, therefore leave the current
rotation rules in place but make a single rotation cost 2 thrust, not 1.

Castling: It has been brought up that castling (to steal a SFB Tourney
is quite common in Cinematic play and they fear this may creep into
play.  My playgroup always hated this and we just made a house rule that
ships must always have a min velocity of 1.  Not realistic but in space
(as we
have ZERO hit modifiers based on speed) there really is NO point to not
castling in a defense situation as you can always bear best weapons and
turn to boot.

Large ships not being as maneuverability: While this makes sense in
play in vector play a ships maneuverability should only be limited by
thrust.  Mass really isn't a limiter in space on the scales we are
about here.

"I think everyone understands that it's getting better every day.  Or
course, every nation that's got IEDS and drive-by shootings and suicide
bombers definitely got some security issues" -LTC Gibler, Mosul, IQ

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