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Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

From: David Stokes <dstokes@d...>
Date: Wed, 04 Jan 2006 18:59:32 +0000
Subject: Re: [GZG] [OFFICIAL] Question to you all.....

> 1) The system as it currently stands (FT/FB1/FB2 standard): ie, 1 
> thrust point will rotate any ship to any heading in vector movement.
> c) I've actually played this (with XXXX fleet(s) - please specify) and

> like it.

I've played it as written with FB2 (NAC, NI, and FSE) and I like the 
system and am not eager to change it. I've not experienced anything I 
would consider a problem.  Some designs work better than others in 
certain situations, but I had considered that part of the game and not a

problem in the rules that needed fixing.

As I wrote last week (and helped open this can of worms) the way I had 
visualized the system means rotating a ship on its axis a lot easier 
than changing its course. Others pointed out they visualized the system 
differently, and since no time or distance scale is specified their 
ideas, which I hadn't considered, are just as valid. But I'm still using

a vision where rotation should be fairly easy so I'm ok with that.

> 2) The system used in the EFSB (the Babylon Project FT variant), where

> 1 thrust point only allows rotation by 1 course point (30 degrees).
> b) I haven't played this but dislike it in theory.
I haven't played this, but it sounds horribly ponderous. "Slugs in 
Space" as somebody said.

> 3) 1 thrust point allows rotation by up to 2 course points (60
> b) I haven't played this but dislike it in theory.
Kind of the same comments as for #2 but not as much.

An idea had occurred to me which I have not seen mentioned yet. I'm not 
convinced I think it is a good idea yet, so take it for what its worth.
One of the things mentioned in the rotation discussion was the effect of

moment of inertia and big ships zipping about like fighters. But I'm 
used to playing with mostly small ships and so I like them able to move 
quickly. How to make the big ships move like big ships and yet have the 
small ships able to outmaneuver them?
Maybe have different rotation rates for different sized ships. As an 
example: taking the classes from 2nd edition, Capital ships turn 30 
degrees per point, Cruisers turn 60 degrees, and Escorts turn as much as

they want. Adjust these values as is appropriate, I haven't tried them. 
Maybe it could be based on total mass or something, since the FBs made 
the classes somewhat obsolete, but the basic idea is there.
I gather another perceived problem has long been that large ships have 
an advantage over smaller ships. This proposal would help address this 
problem too, since smaller ships could now outmaneuver the big ones.
Now I don't know if I really want to add extra rules to the system. As I

said I am pretty happy with it as it is. But this isn't too much 
complication and address some perceived problems.

David Stokes
Gzg-l mailing list

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