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Re: [GZG] Re: Victorian SF Figures

From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 9 Nov 2005 09:09:01 -0600
Subject: Re: [GZG] Re: Victorian SF Figures

D'oh! Scheltrum!

I have several figures, and they should have been near the top of my

As for eBay, VSF figs are few and far between except for old Space 1889,
but there's a seller, collectorfigs, out of KC, who often has bits and
pieces. He ususally has them pre-primed, and run from sci-fi, such as
Galacta, to VSF such as original John Carter of Mars through Schetrum. I
picked up some from there, including, if memory serves, some
Rocketeer-style fellows.

I'd say you're still better off buying online direct, though, where you
can. Even the Deadlands figs seem rare on eBay, at least when I search.
Books, there are a-plenty.

Saddens me, as, if there were a better VSF presence, I'd be floggin' my
surplus Atlantis and Wild, Wild West toys there. ;->=


Ken wrote on 11/08/2005 02:28:17 PM:

> There's a good selection of Victorian SF figure ranges
> showcased here:

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