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Re: [GZG] SFB to FT???

From: Zoe and Carmel Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Wed, 19 Oct 2005 18:03:51 +1000
Subject: Re: [GZG] SFB to FT???

Doug Evans wrote:

> Do you mean Star Trek ships? Seen plenty of them; at one point, the
> inestimable Brain of Oz had many of the SFB Fed ships done. Haven't
> the list for quite awhile. I even shipped 'im 



> some TFG lead to encourage the process.

They did get published - and my original proposal for Phalon Plasma 
Balls were "inspired" by the Type-F,G,S and R Plasma Torpedos.

But my ISP got bought by another ISP, then they got bought by another, 
then another, and somewhere along the line the whole website evaporated.

Though I have near-final versions in an archive ("Real Men Don't Make 
Backups", but then again, I was never one of those anyway ! :) )


Zoe & Carmel Brain
Gzg-l mailing list

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