Re: [GZG] A FT question asked by 1 of our Junior players today
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2005 09:41:59 -0500
Subject: Re: [GZG] A FT question asked by 1 of our Junior players today
Sam schrieb'd:
> On Fri, September 23, 2005 4:02, Doug Evans said:
> >> Your points are only valid if in *your* universe...
> >
> > I thought the question applied to the Tuffleyverse; not
> that I have a clue
> > in my reading, but thought that was how the answer was attempted.
> Is there even a fixed answer in the Tuffleyverse? It all depends on
> what units people use for turn length and distance, which I've never
> seen official figures for.
Ergo, my not having a clue, though if it's mentioned somewhere, it's
of the universe rational. I know it's somewhere in the building rules,
allow old-Trav-style adaptability(?), but I haven't found a case of it
mentioned in the ship designs.
> If thrust 1 = 1g, then (ignoring structural limitations) even a big
> lumbering NSL superdreadnaught can land and take off from an Earth
> like world just on raw thrust.
> If thrust 1 = 0.25g, then only ships with a thrust > 4 are going to
> be able to do so.
> At some point I had streamlining adding to thrust for purposes of
> whether something could land or take off in an atmosphere.
Not arguing this, though there's a difference between having enough
to lift a weight and tossing it out of the atmosphere. Playing devil's
advocate, everyone, including moi, seems to agree that if a
can stand military maneuvering, it can stand passage through a planet's
envelope. This isn't necessarily a given, though, as I said, makes sense
me. If it isn't, then John's comment kicks in:
> a) is the structure sufficiently strong to withstand gravitational and
> acceleration/deceleration forces
as well as a positive pressure.
I'll admit it's a very weak example, and I won't try to defend, but a
fighter can take many-g stresses, and still be crushed by sinking in
several fathoms of water. Wait a min, at least I think it will be...
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