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Re: [GZG] Hex cloth

From: Tony Francis <tony@b...>
Date: Sun, 18 Sep 2005 21:16:58 +0100
Subject: Re: [GZG] Hex cloth

Litko make a number of spray templates 
although these are more expensive than a single ready made cloth !

How about making a sort of fancy 'potato print' ? Make a suitably sized 
hex out of card / wood / mdf / whatever and put narrow strips of foam 
(1/4") around the edge. Dip this in white paint, stamp on cloth and 
repeat ad infinitum. If you made up a stamp with several hexes on then 
the process could be speeded up a lot.

Finally, on the Brigade site we have a description 
(<> - bottom 
of page) of an Aeronef board made by sticking lots of bits of card down 
to delineate the hexes. Fiddly, but looks good.


Fred Schmidt wrote:

> Hey all.  I'm thinking about marking a black cloth with 1 1/2 inch 
> hexes (the edges made up of dots) for a giant space hexmap.  I was 
> wondering if anybody had any tips for me.  The best idea I have so far

> is to print the hexes on a sheet of paper (done) and use a hole punch 
> to punch holes where I want the dots, then use it as a template on the

> cloth with some kind of white or grey fabric marker.	It seems like it

> would be a long and tedious task, though, and not to mention prone to 
> errors (templates not fitting together right, resulting in warped 
> hexes.  Hexes not in straight lines across the cloth, etc).
> Any tips?  Experiences?  Words of caution / ridicule?
> Thanks!
> Fred
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