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Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICI...

From: VinsFullThrust@a...
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:53:29 EDT
Subject: Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICI...

Gzg-l mailing list 
In a message dated 8/30/2005 4:20:55 AM Eastern Daylight Time,  

You've	hit one of the nails on the head there, Scott; part of the 
intention was  to homogenise some elements of the designs to give the 
feel that they were  all built by basically the same (human) tech, 
while still retaining the  particular design motifs that individualise 
the fleets. For the new NAC,  I've tried to keep some of the styling 
cues while getting rid of the  elements that have been most often and 
most vocally criticised in the past  - the long frail "necks" being a 
major one!

As we're on this  subject, a question for you all (or as many of you 
as want to take the  time to answer!):

In general, do you prefer your starships to be smooth  and sleek 
(example: Trek Federation ships) or blocky and complex (example:  B5 
Earth Alliance)?


Jon  (GZG)

Well, I personally like the NAC originals, even the "frail neck: design
like, I personally have been drilling in the body and pinning the neck
in so it  
dont break off on accident. Other then that, I like pretty much how they

Speaking of Br style ships, I think it is safe to say the NSL has that	
market. Most of the Earth Alliance ships are SL style, or vice-versa..
look at the Maria Von-Burgund, then grab an Earth Alliance Sagitarrius
The size ad shape are close alike. Before my wife started her NSL ships,
were  usig B5 earth ships are NSL warships. 
I also think the new ESU ships have a look ressembling both NI and JPN	
combination. Am I the only that thinks that?

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