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Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] New GZG starships!

From: "Flak Magnet (Tim)" <flakmagnet@c...>
Date: Tue, 30 Aug 2005 09:44:34 -0400
Subject: Re: How d'you like your starships, fried or boiled..? Was: [GZG] Re: [OFFICIAL] New GZG starships!

Ground Zero Games wrote:

> You've hit one of the nails on the head there, Scott; part of the
> intention was to homogenise some elements of the designs to give the
> feel that they were all built by basically the same (human) tech,
> while still retaining the particular design motifs that individualise
> the fleets. For the new NAC, I've tried to keep some of the styling
> cues while getting rid of the elements that have been most often and
> most vocally criticised in the past - the long frail "necks" being a
> major one!

Mission accomplished, insofar as making the human ships share common
elements.  Though I mentioned the homogenization of the human fleets as
a negative, I DO like the new designs as I look at them by themselves.

Having a common look to the human ships can be a good thing too
especially if you run "Bitter enemy humans vs. superior alien threat"
scenarios... We just need more variations on aliens! 

> As we're on this subject, a question for you all (or as many of you as
> want to take the time to answer!):
> In general, do you prefer your starships to be smooth and sleek
> (example: Trek Federation ships) or blocky and complex (example: B5
> Earth Alliance)?

Yes.  *grin*

Which is to say that I have no preference, and like both styles of
ships.	Although I think that if a ship is going to be sleek, it should
ALL be sleek, not (for example) sleek and curvy for most of the hull but
with huge blocky engines and a split down the center for a blocky
spinal-mounted weapon...

To me, it looks like a corvette stingray with an el-camino's rear-end or


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