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Re: [GZG] [DSII] Precision Strike

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 20:23:20 +0200
Subject: Re: [GZG] [DSII] Precision Strike

On 8/2/05, Oerjan Ariander <> wrote:

> Oh, certainly. 'Course, those army strike assets would also have been
> range of the *Serbian* army strike assets which the combined air
> were trying to hit from higher than 15,000' altitude ;-)

Do the Serbs have anything now or then which could play footsie with
an ATACMS?  I doubt it.  I'd also question whether they have CBR
capable of figuring out where that MLRS strike is coming from before
they packed up and moved.  If so, then that better be capable of
spoofing ARMs too. . .

At the very least it would have made the tactical questions more
complex.  Relying on a single type of asset simplified the Serbian
tactical situation immensely.  And simplifying your opponent's
situation is the opposite of what you should be trying to do.

> It would also have added another interesting facet to this AA-vs-ARM
> warfare: creating *false* AA radar emissions to make the NATO 
forces waste
> their MLRS/ATACMS on cheap decoys (just like they expended quite a lot
> expensive precision bombs on what turned out to be garbage containers
> a fire lit in one end - on long-distance IR that looks very much like
an MBT).
> How many rockets can NATO afford to waste before they start requiring
> secure confirmation that the emitter is a radar rather than a decoy?

And here we have the fundamental problem with any single-arm approach
to ANYTHING.  Without eyes on the ground, properly trained eyes with
the right gear, strike assets, be they precision or otherwise, can be
spoofed.  UAVs would have helped in Serbia, but they wouldn't have
solved the problem, not in that terrain against that foe.
What people forget about Serbians is that while it may be fashionable
to sneer at them because they have a very 12th century view of
tolerance and multiculturalism, they aren't stupid and it was a
serious error on the part of the NATO planning staff to assume so. 
The only nation in Europe to liberate themselves from Nazis didn't do
it by being dumb.

> Of course - but emulating that kind of capabilities race is precisely
> FMA's core opposed die roll does best. It's merely a matter of
> your baseline appropriately for the setting you play in :-)


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