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[GZG] [FT] Cold Navy miniatures.

From: "R. Bryett" <rbryett@m...>
Date: Tue, 2 Aug 2005 13:39:37 +1000
Subject: [GZG] [FT] Cold Navy miniatures.

>>>> I'm a big fan of th CN ships. I started Mauridian and now have a
set of
Kharadorn as well. <<<<

The Mauridians are cool, but the Kharadorn look a bit wacky to me.

>>>> The Terrans are played in force by one of my friends here in town.

So what does he make the spinal mount weapons? For that matter, what do
install in your Mauridian Ba'Rada Class Frigate (the flying assault

I broke down and bought some TRN ships before the end of their
offer (I'm so weak!), so I've been messing about with some possible

I started out by looking at the pics on the Cold Navy website and
that "gun turrets" with four "barrels" would be part of a Class 3 beam
battery, those with three Class 2 and two Class 1. The batteries would
made up of one or more turret, depending on fire arcs etc.

The spinal mount "guns" on the destroyer, cruiser and battlecruiser look
similar, so I decided they should be of the same basic type, in this
Class 3 k-guns. The spinal weapons of the Conquest look different, and a
note on the website suggests these are "particle somethings", so I went
a massive beam battery for long range fire support :-/

BTW, the points totals given below are NPV/CPV.

Ship design worksheet for Conquest (Superdreadnought) by RNB

Item			     Mass Points
Basic Hull		    (201)    201
Hull Integrity (in 4 rows)     60    120
Armour			       10     20
FTL Drive		       20     40
Main Drive (Thrust 4)	       40     80
Sub-total		      130    461
FCS x 4 			4     16
PDS x 6 			6     18
ADFC				2      8
Fighter Bay x 2 	       18     54
Class 5 Batt (1 arc)	       16     48
Class 3 Batt (5 arc)		8     24
Class 2 Batt (6 arc)		3      9
Class 2 Batt (3 arc)		2      6
Class 1 Batt (6 arc) x 2	2      6
Screen generators	       10     30
Sub-total		       71    219
Total			      201    680/847

Ship design worksheet for Avatar (Battlecruiser) by RNB

Item			     Mass Points
Basic Hull		    (108)    108
Hull Integrity (in 4 rows)     24     48
Armour				4      8
FTL Drive		       11     22
Main Drive (Thrust 6)	       32     64
Sub-total		       71    250
FCS x 3 			3     12
PDS x 3 			3      9
ADFC				2      8
Class 3 K-gun (1 arc) x 2      10     40
Class 3 Batt (5 arc)		8     24
Class 2 Batt (3 arc)		2      6
Class 2 Batt (6 arc)		3      9
Class 1 Batt (6 arc)		1      3
Screen generators		5     15
Sub-total		       37    126
Total			      108    376/385

Ship design worksheet for Orion (Patrol Cruiser) by RNB

Item			     Mass Points
Basic Hull		     (63)     63
Hull Integrity (in 4 rows)     15     30
Armour				4      8
FTL Drive			6     12
Main Drive (Thrust 6)	       19     38
Sub-total		       44    151
FCS x 2 			2      8
PDS x 4 			4     12
ADFC				2      8
Class 3 K-gun (1 arc)		5     20
Class 2 Batt (6 arc) x 2	6     18
Sub-total		       19     66
Total			       63    217/194

Ship design worksheet for Massada (Heavy Destroyer) by RNB

Item			     Mass Points
Basic Hull		     (51)     51
Hull Integrity (in 4 rows)     14     28
Armour				4      8
FTL Drive			5     10
Main Drive (Thrust 6)	       15     30
Sub-total		       38    127
FCS x 2 			2      8
PDS				1      3
ADFC				2      8
Class 3 K-gun (1 arc)		5     20
Class 2 Batt (3 arc)		2      6
Class 1 Batt (6 arc)		1      3
Sub-total		       13     48
Total			       51    175/150

Ship design worksheet for Northampton (Frigate) by RNB

Item			     Mass Points
Basic Hull		     (26)     26
Hull Integrity (in 4 rows)	6     12
Armour				1      2
FTL Drive			3      6
Main Drive (Thrust 6)		8     16
Sub-total		       18     62
FCS				1      4
PDS x 4 			4     12
ADFC				2      8
Class 1 Batt (6 arc)		1      3
Sub-total			8     27
Total			       26     89/70

The above is just a first cut for fun, and none of it is tested in any

Best regards, Robert Bryett.

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