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Re: move and fire problem

From: John Atkinson <johnmatkinson@g...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 19:25:26 +0200
Subject: Re: move and fire problem

On 7/10/05, Adrian <> wrote:

> to fire you fire then continue moving".   If your movement puts your
> salvo of torpedos on target at range band 1 at some in the move then
you get
> an easy shot.  The only rule addition as I can see it is if you say
> you have to fire, you can't say "sorry, can I change my mind". 
> this the enemy gets as much chance to do something as they do in the
> game - that is NOTHING.

Why not?  Can't he interrupt his movement to fire?  And then we have
the spectacle of grown men shouting "But I said I wanted to fire

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