Re: move and fire problem
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Sun, 10 Jul 2005 11:57:48 -0500
Subject: Re: move and fire problem
> You can get by in cine with everyone putting down their rulers
> along the path for the first part of the move, and trying a shot,
> at say, a quarter of the way. A ship moving 8" would be a quarter
> of the 4" of that first part of the move, or 2" from the start. A
> ship moving 6" would be 1.5".
Er, 1" and .75", respectively. *blush*
> >> 1. move a bit
> >> 2. fire
> >> 3. move a bit more
> >> 4. fire something else...
> >> 5. move the rest of your move.
> Can I just say "ewwww" ?
> I played SFB for far too long to bring that kind of BS into my FT
> games. The "fix" to these issues is not to fly around the table at
> some large portion of c.
And the atheist in the foxhole yells "AMEN!"