Hello and sensor lock on
From: david garnham <garnhamghast@f...>
Date: Mon, 27 Jun 2005 19:57:32 +0200 (CEST)
Subject: Hello and sensor lock on
Hi everyone, I've just signed on to the list. I'm finding the mails
about sensor lock ons very interesting.
First off it seems to me that any mechanisms for sensor lock on will
have to take the following into account -
1) range
2) ship size
3) quality of firing ships sensors
4) any ecm / stealth etc the target has
And possibly the speed and manoeuvres of the target too.
Now that seems to me (IMHO) to be adding a lot of complex stuff and
another die roll to the system.
The real killer seems to me though to be the possibility that a player
may be unable to fire on his turn because his ship can't lock on, and I
would imagine that would be rather frustrating!
Back in the day when I bought the A5 original booklet of FT it was the
elegant simplicity of it all that won me over, and the fact you could
field a table full of ships. I really like a lot of what Jon has done to
the system over the years but wouldn't like to see it get any more
complicated. I know players have the choice of not using a mechanic if
they wish but sadly they don't always realise it!
Just my two penneth worth
Dave Garnham
Whatever you Wanadoo:
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