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Grazer Mass?

From: Rrok Anroll <coldnovemberrain_2000@y...>
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 22:36:41 -0700 (PDT)
Subject: Grazer Mass?

Perhaps I missed this conversation in the archives, but am I right in
that the Grazer seems to have a sizing issue...?

I know that the 'Mass'ing forumla for beam weapons is simple, 2xMass of
next smaller Class....

But the Grazer seems to only partiall follow this....?
The rules for anything over Class three say Mass of next smallest class
x 3
But the first three classes don't follow that forumla?
Class 1 = Mass 2
Class 2 = Mass 9 (2xNext Smallest + 3?)
Class 3 = Mass 24 (2xNext Smallest -3?)

Am I right in this observation? Was something updated for the first
three to be more inline and I just missed it?

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