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Re: Power Projection: Escort

From: Ground Zero Games <jon@g...>
Date: Thu, 16 Jun 2005 17:32:08 +0100
Subject: Re: Power Projection: Escort

>On Thu, Jun 16, 2005 at 11:05:21AM -0400, Robert W. Eldridge wrote:
>>In all fairness, ships die fast because the rules system is written to
>>for very large ships (see Power Projection: Fleet for the battleships,
>>and so escort size ships are pre force very small and fragile. I think
>>overall the Power Projection series (Escort nd Fleet) are excellent
>>but maybe not suitable for an RPG.
>>Oh, absolutely. They're great fun, but they're not particularly
>for a typical RPG situation.
>Well, that depends on how cruel the GM is....
>But you could double or triple the hull boxes to make the ships less

Or you (the GM) just ensures that the PCs always make it to the 
escape pods in time.... but how they then get out of THAT situation 
(especially if the other side won the battle) is up to them....  ;-)

Jon (GZG)

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