Re: [FT] Fun for the end of summer... Re: Bencon 2005 Was: Is thereanybodythe...
From: VinsFullThrust@a...
Date: Thu, 9 Jun 2005 08:27:35 EDT
Subject: Re: [FT] Fun for the end of summer... Re: Bencon 2005 Was: Is thereanybodythe...
In a message dated 6/9/2005 8:08:08 AM Eastern Daylight Time, writes:
> >Thanks, guys. I guess I'll HAVE to get going on these
> local guys so I can
> avoid making the total fool when trying to FT in Denver.
Chris-the-lamb-abuse schreib on 06/08/2005 10:29:07 AM:
> Try FTJava.
From: Doug Evans
>I've heard about you online sharks, trashing and demoralizing the
weak. I'd
never play again!
My Jedi mind powers apparently don't work through FTJava, so you're
Safer than if you came to ECC, anyway.
Chris my young padawa learner. dont make me use the force, the force of
IJ warships anyway.. LOL