RE: [FT] Fun for the end of summer... Re: Bencon 2005 Was: Is there anybodythere.....
From: Doug Evans <devans@n...>
Date: Wed, 8 Jun 2005 10:35:26 -0500
Subject: RE: [FT] Fun for the end of summer... Re: Bencon 2005 Was: Is there anybodythere.....
I've heard about you online sharks, trashing and demoralizing the weak.
never play again!
Chris-the-lamb-abuse schreib on 06/08/2005 10:29:07 AM:
> >Thanks, guys. I guess I'll HAVE to get going on these
> local guys so I can
> avoid making the total fool when trying to FT in Denver.
> Try FTJava.