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Re: Is there anybody there..... plus reminder on current offers!

From: Alan and Carmel Brain <aebrain@w...>
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 10:48:03 +1000
Subject: Re: Is there anybody there..... plus reminder on current offers!

Sorry, been busy.

I have serious, but absolutely hilarious and hideously embarrassing 
health problems. It's not something that "gets better" either, but the 
effects have in the main been beneficial or just plain funny.

My glands are acting very weirdly, putting out all sorts of hormones 
they're not supposed to : which will actually extend my projected 
lifespan very significantly, but has some most unusual and comical side 
effects. At this stage, it looks like they're probably permanent, and 
the changes are continuing.

I'd really rather not elaborate until I find out what the heck 'm going 
to look like in six months time, and how much plastic surgery will be 
required to make me look presentable.

The weirdest thing, and not in any of the medical journals on this rare 
phenomenon, is that my eyes have changed colour.

Off to get an MRI scan of my brain in 20 minutes, this one's a puzzler.
Still awaiting the results of a chromosome analysis, and it's anyone's 
guess what they'll find.

But don't worry : our plans for your species are benign.


Life : Sometimes Tragic, Sometimes Comic, Never Boring.

Alan & Carmel Brain

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